The Home Health Proposed PPS Rule for CY 2023 contains some proposals for the Expanded HH Value-Based Purchasing program. The program officially begins January 1, 2023. The term “baseline year” has now been replaced with the terms “HHA baseline year” and “Model baseline year”. The HHA baseline year is now proposed to be the calendar year used…
The Home Health Proposed PPS Rule for CY 2023 contains some proposals for the Expanded HH Value-Based Purchasing program. The program officially begins January 1, 2023. The term “baseline year” has now been replaced with the terms “HHA baseline year” and “Model baseline year”. The HHA baseline year is now proposed to be the calendar year used to determine the improvement threshold for each measure for each individual competing HH agency. The proposed rule is also set to change the baseline year from 2019 to 2022 for agencies certified prior to 01/01/2019. The second new definition, Model baseline year, is proposed to mean the calendar year used to determine the benchmark and achievement threshold for each measure for all competing HH agencies. It’s all a bit complex. If you need help, here are some products to consider.