
New Codes Added to ICD-10 Code Set

The coding addenda for fiscal year 2022 was posted on the CDC website on June 23rd.  There are 159 new codes that were finalized and will be added to the ICD-10 code set on October 1st.  One code that is included but was absent from the proposed code update is U09.9 (Post COVID-19 condition, unspecified). …

The coding addenda for fiscal year 2022 was posted on the CDC website on June 23rd.  There are 159 new codes that were finalized and will be added to the ICD-10 code set on October 1st.  One code that is included but was absent from the proposed code update is U09.9 (Post COVID-19 condition, unspecified).  This code will be used to capture post COVID-19 conditions when a patient continues to have ongoing symptoms or issues attributable to COVID-19 after the active infection is gone.  U09.9 would be listed secondary to specific codes which might include J96.1-(Chronic respiratory failure), M35.81 (Multisystem inflammatory syndrome), I26.- (Pulmonary embolism) among others according to new tabular instructions. This coding update also includes 20 revised codes and 32 codes that are no longer valid.    Hang on tight for the ride as we explore these coding changes!