Cheat Sheets

OASIS-D Pressure Ulcer/Injury Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet addresses deletions and changes in the Pressure Ulcer items, changes in the publicly reported pressure ulcer Outcome Measure, and includes a table to help answer the question required by M1311 at Discharge, “Was this pressure ulcer that is present at Discharge also present at the most recent SOC/ROC?” One digital download per purchase.



What's Included

It identifies deletions and changes in the Pressure Ulcer items, changes in the publicly reported pressure ulcer Outcome Measure (calculated in OASIS-D with M1311 instead of M1313), and includes a table to help answer the question required by M1311 at Discharge.
Regulatory References
OASIS D1 - Pressure Ulcer items
This cheat sheet was developed with the clinician and agency leadership in mind to help them understand and answer key questions related to OASIS D1 pressure ulcer items.