
Probe & Educate ADR Cheat Sheet Bundle

ADRs are a confusing process! MAC Legacy has bundled 2 of our most popular cheat sheets to help navigate the ADR response process.

CMS has directed MACs to select a sample of 5 claims for pre-payment review from each home health agency. As they are completing the Probe & Education review, MACs will be focusing on your compliance with MLN Matters SE1524 as well as making sure all other requirements are met.

  • ADR: Additional Documentation/Development Request Cheat Sheet – This cheat sheet is a helpful tool in identifying the important elements and requirements of the ADR process. It also includes an ADR worksheet to help you through the process.
  • Face-to-Face Encounters Cheat Sheet – This four-page tool includes a description of the regulatory requirements (the “when, who, what” details) as well as useful F2F facts & tips including exceptions and special circumstances.  This tool also contains detailed instruction for documentation of “late” F2F situations.
