Medicare Coverage Review

A Seamless Extension
of Compliance & Quality

Medicare review of your claims is an inevitability. Let us lighten the burden of the Review Choice Demonstration and Pre-Claim Review as we analyze your documentation and provide detailed insight to ensure you are on the right track.




Reduced Stress
on Staff

Quick Turnaround

How Medicare Coverage Review Works

  1. Discover: MAC Legacy will begin the process with a discovery session. Whether you’re facing survey readiness, Face to Face issues or Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) with Pre-Claim Review (PCR), one of our experts will meet with you and your agency leadership to better understand your specific needs.

  2. Review: With access to your EMR, a clinical auditor will review your clinical records to assure compliance with key Medicare home health program requirements.

  3. Recommend: Our team will identify recommendations, if needed, to ensure your compliance with medical necessity, homebound criteria, and Face-to-Face requirements.

  4. Submit: Our team can submit the PCR request for your team, further removing the burden of these regulations.

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Already Have a Dedicated Staff?

We’ve got you covered on sick days, vacation days, and influx of high volume. Whether it’s full-time or a little help here and there, our team of experts is ready.

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or Lend a Helping Hand